Saturday, 17 June 2023

Further thoughts on the track plan (v.8)

 I wasn’t going to revisit the track plan until the man cave was empty so its internal dimensions could be confirmed. That was until I was able to squeeze in a day’s visit to Boscarne Junction after being in Torquay for a wedding. The visit was to take photos of the wider surrounding area. The site is now dramatically over grown compared to the photographs I have which were taken in the early 1960s. That said the embankments, paths, field boundaries seem to not have altered. Plenty of photographs were taken which I hope will enable me to replicate the topography around the junction.

While at Boscarne then subsequently looking at my track plan I began to feel I’d drawn it a little out of proportion. Siding 2 (along the back towards Bodmin North) looked too long. In reducing its length  has made it feel more in proportion. In doing so I’ve been able to move the whole track plan to the right a little which has slightly increased the visible track left to the level crossing.  In my attempt to balance the space available between scenic and fiddle yards I’ve had to reduce the overall length of the junction and sidings. There is approximately 13.5ft between the two quarter mile posts as opposed to 17.3ft for a scale quarter mile. Even so, the hope is this will still create a recognisable layout with the ability to operate as near as possible realistic train movements to a replica BR timetable.

Boscarne Junction v.8

To give me the possibility to add a further board at the Wadebridge end I’ve also twisted the track plan slightly. In doing so means the track beyond the level crossing (towards Wadebridge) now runs parallel to the baseboards sides. This will allow the fiddle board that I’ll be using at home to be connected to the extra scenic baseboard if it ever is invited to a show.

Next thoughts:

  1. How to build the baseboard supports and at what height should the layout be?
  2. How to integrate lighting on the model as well as prevent other external lighting to affect the visual effect. 
  3. Need to think about the overall operation of the layout (my initial thought may need to produce v.9 of the track plan)

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